
Harry’s Divorce.

It was a cold, clear October morning – the day Harry had been waiting for to present the new game app he had worked tirelessly on for the last six months. Nothing would stop Harry from getting the promotion he so desperately wanted and the six-figure salary, as long as everything went well. He was excited, but his mind was so focused on the presentation that he barely noticed the others around him.

When he entered the dining room, his phone was glued to his hand. He didn’t even realize that his wife, Sara, and their two children, Cody and Sonny, were there.

“Good morning, darling,” said Sara.

“Good morning, Daddy,” the boys chorused.

But Harry didn’t respond. He quickly grabbed a piece of toast and rushed to his bedroom to get ready.

“Sara, where’s my white shirt?” he shouted from the room.

“I put it in the laundry with the other whites.”

“I asked you to wash it three days ago! You know that’s my lucky shirt! How could you forget? Today is a big day for me!” Harry responded, irritation taking over him.

Sara tried to explain, but Harry kept yelling, accusing her of not doing anything around the house. “You spend the whole day with your friends and can’t take care of the simple things!”

Sara tried to calm him down, but the argument was intense. Without hearing any more, Harry rushed out to his meeting, not looking back.

During the presentation, his phone vibrated several times, but he ignored the calls, thinking Sara was calling to apologize, as she always did. When the presentation was over, Harry received congratulations from his boss and left the room smiling. Finally, his promotion was secure.

But when he got home, something felt off. Sara wasn’t there. There were no calls or apology messages. Only a note on the coffee table written with a red pen: “I want a divorce.”

Those words cut Harry like a knife. Desperate, he called Sara, but she didn’t answer. He rushed to the hospital, where he found out that Sara had been admitted after a small attack. But when he saw her, Sara didn’t seem relieved. She was firm and resolute.

“I want a divorce,” she said, without hesitation. “I’m not the person you expect me to be anymore. I’ve spent my life putting you first to support you, and now it’s time for me to live my life.”

Harry tried to explain, but Sara didn’t want to hear it. She revealed that she had abandoned her ambitions and dreams to care for the family, but he had treated her as if she were invisible. “I’m not a good wife because you won’t let me be who I am. I can’t take it anymore, Harry.”

She continued, making it clear that her feelings were too hurt to start over. “I buried my life to support yours. And now, I’m tired of it.”

Harry, stunned, tried to apologize, but Sara had already made her decision. She didn’t want to continue with the marriage. She wanted to move on with her life, without Harry by her side. She asked for the kids to stay with him, and he didn’t have time to argue.

Disoriented, Harry went home and, in Sara’s absence, tried to maintain the routine for the kids. He ordered pizza, trying to distract the children, but the pain of the divorce weighed heavily on his heart. Deep down, he still hoped it was just a temporary crisis.

But reality hit when, on the phone with his friend Alex, he heard words that confirmed his doubts. “Women are unpredictable, man. She might’ve had a meltdown, relax.” Harry tried to convince himself that this was true. Maybe everything would go back to normal.

However, when he woke up the next day, he saw the kids already ready for school. They called him to hurry up, but deep down, Harry knew that what was happening to him was more than just a temporary crisis.

The truth, as difficult as it was, was clear: his marriage was over, and he would have to face the consequences of his mistakes. Sara had already taken the final step. Now, he would have to move forward.

Harry stared intensely at Sara’s lawyer, feeling the tension rise in the air. He knew the case wasn’t going well, but he still stayed firm, trying to control his anger and despair. The courtroom felt like a cold room, where every word was a sharp knife, cutting deeper than he could bear.

“I’m not working as I did before,” Harry began, trying to stay calm. “But I’m dedicated to what I do now. And more importantly, I’m a good father. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure my kids are well. That’s what really matters.”

Sara’s lawyer smiled cynically, as if trying to find a weak spot. “You think a freelance job, without benefits, without stability, is enough to raise two children?”

“I’m not here to be judged by my work choices,” Harry replied, his voice more firm. “I’m doing the best I can. And my kids know that. They have me, and that’s all that matters.”

The judge, who had been silent until then, made a gesture with his hand. “Mr. Wills, please focus on the custody issue. The stability of your current situation will be taken into account. What matters now is your ability to care for your children.”

Harry looked at his children, who were with their grandmother in the back seat, feeling a pang of worry. What would happen if he lost this battle? They were getting used to life without Sara’s presence, but he knew things were still unresolved. He didn’t want to lose what he still held most precious.

When Sara’s lawyer asked one last question, Harry hesitated before responding. “I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure my children have a stable, happy, and loving life. I have flaws, like anyone, but my dedication to them will never change.”

The lawyer seemed unsatisfied, but the judge appeared to be reflecting on Harry’s words. Silence filled the room again as everyone waited for the decision. Harry knew this battle was far from over, but in that moment, he felt as if he was finally speaking the truth.

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